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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cheesy Garlic Bread (bring out your stretchy pants!!)

6:30 PM
One thing that I've learned from my baking course, so far, is the confidence in bread making. I m much more sure handed and confident in my bread making and I m really enjoying playing around with the bread dough. So far my family's been treated to simple dinner rolls, all wheat loaf, stuffed buns (total crowd pleaser..will post soon) and this amazingly cheesy and dripping and coated with loads and loads of heavenly garlic butter...ummmm!!

You would probably have to run for a week to get rid of all the carbs and cheesy-buttery calories packed in this highly can't-stop-myself-from-eating loaf.

It is super simple to make. Don't get intimidated by the term "garlic butter" as it is nothing but minced garlic added to melted butter. See, super easy! Now go one step ahead and also add one finely chopped green chilli and one tablespoon of chopped corriander to your butter and you will have a  heady mix of garlic-chilli-corriander-butter which surely will make you weak in your knees.

So let's make some bread....

Cheesy Garlic Bread

For the loaf
225 grams all purpose flour
10 grams fresh yeast
2 teaspoons honey
125-150 ml water
10 grams butter
1/2 teapoon salt

For Garlic Butter
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 green chilli
1 tablespoon chopped corriander
75 grams melted butter (salted)

4-5 cheese slices,sliced again into small pieces

Disperse yeast and honey in 1 tablespoon warm water and leave it aside for some time. Sieve flour, make a well in the center.Pour in the yeast liquid and mix in the flour. Add water if necessary to make a smooth and soft dough.
Cream the butter and salt together and knead it into the dough to make the dough smooth and pliable or workable. Keep the dough under a wet muslin cloth till almost double in size (about 20-30 minutes, depending upon the weather).
Knock down the dough and divide into 2 equal portions. Roll those dough balls into two baguette shapes, the length of your baking sheet. Cover with wet muslin cloth and let rise for another 30 or so minutes.
Preheat your oven to 225 degree Celsius and place the baking sheet (containing the loaves) nearby to get all that extra warmth.
Brush the loaves with milk bake for 10-15 minutes, until the top is golden brown in colour.
Take your loves out of the oven and brush liberally with the herbed garlic butter. Wait for 15 minutes, to let the loaves cool down a little. Now comes the fun part...
Slice your bread into one inch slices, 3/4 way down. Remember to use a serrated bread knife.
Once your bread is sliced, take the garlic butter and slather it on top and in between all those cracks. Then put the slices of cheese into those cracks and bake it for another 5 minutes or until all that cheese is melted.
Serve immediately.


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