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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Green Chutney Bread Rolls

6:33 AM
First of all a big Thank You to all who participated in our Cook Like a Star - MasterChef blog hop!! Ladies you all ROCK!! Thank you so much for making this event such a huge success. And thanks a lot Zoe for letting us co-host. I had a rocking time. Absolutely loved every minute of it.

Coming back to this current post, these rolls are known as Parker House Rolls in India. I had earlier planned on going with the title "Parker House Rolls with Green Chutney", but then I realized that others might confuse these with the American Parker House Rolls. American Parker House Rolls are made by flattening and rolling the bread dough, cutting them in circles and again folding them in half so that they sort of look like.......well giant lips ( that's the only explanation I can come up with).

But the Parker House Rolls I m talking about are rolled and shaped like cinnamon rolls and instead of a sweet filling, it's filled with a savoury (finger lickingly good) chutney. yum yum!!

This is one of the recipes done in my baking course and an absolute favourite of everyone. Now the story behind the invention of these rolls is very interesting. During the British Raj, there was one Mr. Parker (I dont know the full name or the proper we will go with Mr. Parker :D) and it so happened that one day the Mister and Missus had some surprise visitors for tea. So the lady of the house did some quick thinking, she had some yeasted dough happily proving and some chutney lying around in her pantry. The lady had a "eureka" moment and made these beautiful rolls filled with green chutney and the guests were bowled over. Thats why these rolls are known as "Parker House Rolls" in India.


Parker House Rolls

For the bread dough
225 grams Flour
1 tablespoon fresh yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter
125 ml water
1 egg (for egg wash)

For the chutney
100 grams corriander
2-3 green chillies
1 lime
1-2 cloves of garlic
a few mint leaves
salt and sugar to taste

Baking temperature: 220 degree Celsius
Baking time: 10 minutes

Disperse yeast and sugar in warm water and leave it aside for some time. Sieve flour and make a well in center. Pour in the yeast liquid and mix in the flour. Add water (as needed) to make a smooth and soft dough.
Cream the butter and salt together and knead it into the dough to make the dough smooth and pliable. Keep the dough under a wet muslin cloth till almost double in size.
Meanwhile make the chutney. Grind all the ingredients to a paste.
Once the dough doubles in size, knock down the dough and roll it into a rectangle 12" x 8" and brush with melted butter and spread the chutney on it.

Roll up tight like a Swiss roll. Cut 8 portions with a string (or your dough cutter) and leave to prove in a well greased tin. When almost double in volume, brush with egg wash and bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

                                                  After the proving, ready to go into the oven

                                                           Fresh out of the oven

                                                                   Want some???

Happy Baking!!


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