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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Strawberry Cheesecake Tart

7:12 PM
Has it ever happened to you that you look at a photo in some food magazine or recipe book fall in love with it? it just consumes feel like you have to make this recipe right away or else....or else you will lose your sleep and your general ability to function and the only thing you have on your mind is...scavenging, i.e., looking into your pantry or through the length (and breadth) of your local mall in search of the required ingredients so that you would be able to (finally) make that dish.......or maybe instead of "falling in love" , I should say its like that bad itch that HAS to be scratched!

Well the same thing happened when I was browsing through the BBC GoodFood Magazine's December issue. The moment I saw it, I knew I HAVE to make it! This is the original tart from the magazine

                             Strawberry & mascarpone cheesecake tart
And this is the one that I made.

It's a no fuss and easy-to-put-together dessert and it tastes awesomely fresh and divine. Of course, using a good quality cheese and nice and fresh berries makes tons of difference. I used homemade Mascarpone cheese, the recipe is here.

Strawberry Mascarpone Cheesecake Tart
Adapted from The GoodFood Magazine India, December 2012 issue

375g block sweet shortcrust pastry
250g tub mascarpone
150g yogurt
150ml whipped cream
3 tbsp icing sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
750g small strawberries , cored and halved

Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Roll out the pastry to the thickness of 1/4th inch (mine was thick as I had extra pastry, didn't want to throw away extra :D) and use to line a loose-bottomed 20cm sponge/tart/pie tin. Leave the excess pastry over hanging to avoid shrinkage. Fill with baking paper and baking beans and bake for 15 minutes. Take out the paper and beans and keep baking for another 15 minutes until the pastry is cooked through and golden. trim the excess pastry then leave in the tin to cool completely.
Beat the mascarpone until smooth then add the yoghurt, cream, 1 tbsp icing sugar and vanilla and beat together until really thick. Spoon into the cool pastry case and level. Cover with strawberries and put in the fridge to chill for 2 hours.
Put the remaining strawberries in a food processor with the rest of the icing sugar. Whizz to a purée and sieve to remove seeds. Serve the tart with the strawberry purée spooned over just before serving.



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