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Monday, July 16, 2012

Crustless Pizza and My first Week of Baking Course

6:30 PM
I m sure there are times when everyone (or mostly everyone) of us find it difficult to think of what to cook. Especially when there are hungry mouths to feed and cranky kids running around. Even if no kids are involved in a given scenario, it's difficult to come up with a delicious, satisfying, comforting dish after spending your day slogging at work.

Now I m not saying that the proposed crustless pizza is the answer to all your worries, hello it's not even "healthy eating", given the amount of cheese gone into it and plus there's full fat milk, of course you can pair it really well with a salad with cherry tomatoes thrown in...yum. But this is the kind of food which comes under "real food" or "comforting food", which m sure everybody longs for after having a particularly hard day. And isn't someone wise, read Nigella Lawson, has famously said that, eating is something to take pleasure in and not feel guilty about.

And now lets talk about my "baking course". Well the first week went so fast, it all seems like a blur. You see, m still struggling to fit everything around my baking course schedule and surely everything will smooth out by the end of second week (fingers crossed). We are really blessed to have a fabulous teacher/instructor (Shashi M'am you are the best!) who is not only proficient in her chosen craft but also is passionate about baking. She is painstakingly guiding us amateurs through the basics or foundations of baking. So far, we've made a simple bread roll, Madeira cake and Jam tarts. As you can see, the above mentioned bakes are nothing fancy or complicated, but what we learned was something which will stay with us for the rest of our lives. We learned how to properly handle, punch and shape our dough for bread, we made our madeira cake the old fashioned way, i.e., without using any electronic whisks, instead a lot of elbow grease was used :D and Shashi M'am showed us how to make a  perfect shortcrust pastry. That sums up my first week.

Lets get back to our comfort dish, crustless pizza. As I said earlier, it makes for a fast and easy supper on days when you are too tired to think about what to cook. I have added some chicken sausages to adorn the top, you could easily sprinkle some sweetcorn or mushroom, or even ham, or anything you fancy.

Crustless Pizza
Adapted from Kitchen by Nigella Lawson
1 egg
2/3 cup (100 grams) all-purpose flour
1 cup (250 ml) whole milk or full fat milk
Butter, for greasing the pie dish
1 cup (100 grams) grated Cheddar
50 grams small chorizo or pepperoni slices or sausages, about 3/4-inch diameter, optional
1 round ovenproof pie dish, 8 or 9 inches in diameter (I used a square dish)


Preheat the oven to 200 degree Celsius. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the flour, salt, to taste, and milk to make a smooth batter.
Butter an ovenproof pie dish, then stir half the grated cheese into the batter, before pouring it into the dish.
Bake for 30 minutes. Take the dish out of the oven, sprinkle with the remaining cheese, and add the chorizo or pepperoni or sausages, if using, - or anything else - now, too. Return the dish to the oven and cook for another 2 or 3 minutes to make sure it's heated through.
Once the cheese on top is melted and looks burnished fold on the crustless pizza, take it out of the oven and serve, cut into slices.


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