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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jam and White chocolate Roly-Poly and Awards

1:24 AM
Jam Roly-Poly, Dead Man's Arm or Dead Man's Leg is a traditional British dessert probably invented in the early 19th century. It is a flat-rolled pudding, which is then spread with jam and rolled up, similar to a Swiss roll. In days past, Jam Roly-Poly was also known as shirt-sleeve pudding, because it was often steamed and served in an old shirt-sleeve. Because of this, another nickname for the pudding was dead-man's arm, or dead man's leg - Wikipedia.

 This pudding is one of a range of puddings that are now considered part of the classic desserts of the mid 20th century British school dinners. Much loved, as part of the nostalgia of growing up for some older British adults, Jam Roly-Poly is considered alongside sticky toffee pudding and spotted dick pudding as an essential part of their childhood diet.

Puddings are traditionally steamed. However, this recipe is much easier as it is baked. The end result is a very appealing brown coloured roll with a crack on top, gently oozing the jam....yum.

I have been asked again and again for an eggless version of Swiss Roll ( there is none, as swiss roll is essentially a sponge containing whisked eggs, sugar and flour. There are some eggless versions on Tarla Dalal and some other sites, but when I tried them, it didnt work) . It has been nagging or rather haunting me ever since. It bugged me that I m not able to provide an eggless version for my vegetarian ( which in India also means "no-eggs") friends. So when I came across this classic British dessert, Roly-Poly, I knew I've found "the One".

Traditionally a Roly-Poly is made with suet (beef or mutton fat) but here it is made using butter and milk. It came out beautiful with crisp on top and fluffy and soft texture in the middle. The intense flavour of the raspberry jam with white chocolate blobs in between, perfectly complimented the pastry.  I didn't make any custard to accompany this (believe me you don't need any additional garnishes), but if you are so inclined feel free to make one.

Jam and White Chocolate Roly-Poly
Adapted from GoodFood India, July 2012
300 grams self raising flour
85 grams caster sugar
140 grams butter, plus more for greasing
pinch of salt
150 ml milk (you won't need that much probably, depends upon the type of flour you are using)
8 tablespoon raspberry jam (or any other jam of your liking)
50 grams white chocolate, chopped
icing sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius.
Butter a sheet of baking parchment. Mix the flour with the sugar, butter and a good pinch of salt, then bind with the milk to make a soft, but not sticky, dough.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface to a 20cm x 30 cm oblong. Spread with the jam and scatter with the chocolate, leaving a border all the way around.
Roll up the dough from one short end so you have a sausage shape, then gently pinch the ends to seal in the jam. Carefully lift onto the prepared parchment.
Fold the paper up over the ends of the roly-poly, then wrap up quite tightly.
Bake for 50 minutes until the roll feels firm and looks golden through the paper. Allow to stand for 5 minutes before cutting, as this will stop the jam flowing out. Dust with some icing sugar. Serve a thick single slice.

And now the awards...
I m really grateful and touched by the love and appreciation showered upon an amateur home baker like me, by my fellow bloggers. I value these awards more because writing is not something which comes to me naturally or easily. I have to struggle (a lot) to put my thoughts into words and sometimes it takes me hours to complete a post. Thank you so much for sharing these awards and for the appreciation.

Thanx heaps to Jasline of Food is my life for giving me the Reader Appreciation Award. Jasline is a sweet "forever 21" girl, who loves to bake, cook and enjoy good quality food at all times. Please visit her blog for some seriously spectacular recipes and step by step photographs of the dish-in-making.


I would like to thank R.Punitha of South Indian Food Recipes for passing on to me the Sunshine Blogger Award. Do visit her blog for delicious and detailed recipes.

Next I would like to thank Ellen of Ellen B Cookery for thinking of me for the Versatile Blogger award. Ellen loves to make recipes from scratch from the personal recipe books which she has inherited from her Mom and Mother-in-law. In her words - This blog is my way to have their expertise live in the homes of others.  Beautiful words.


 I m taking a tip from my blogger friend Alida @ My little Italian Kitchen, a very talented and creative food blogger, and R.Punitha @ South Indian Food Recipes and sharing these awards with all my blogger friends. Congratulate yourself and pat your backs, you all deserve these and many more!!


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