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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nutella Filled Bread Rolls and Awards!

7:31 PM
SO what do you do on a very hot (not to mention horribly humid) Saturday at home, with an 8 year old on-the-road-of-recovery-from-fever (but very VERY whiny) and one super charged, bursting with energy 1 1/2 year old....Of course you bake bread! I know you gonna say "She has no business baking if it is THAT hot"! But guys thats me. I absolutely HAVE to bake something every day, it's my "meditation time". 

And it's not your plain white version but a filled one....

with the food of gods...Nutella!

My younger one didn't eat it ( she doesn't know what she is missing..oh well, you can take Mohammed to the well but you can't make him drink etc etc), coz currently she's off anything sweet ( don't think she's on diet....or is she????hmmmm). Ira is going through one of her phases and right now she only wants to have chat-pata food and her all time favourite...chicken. She wants it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She surely has taken after her father.

Of course Saee (my 8 year old) was super excited by this bread and finished off every last morsel of it, licking the plate.
You can make one large loaf instead of eight individual ones. Its all a matter of your preferences.

If you love Nutella on your bread, you are gonna adore this bread with the Nutella inside it. I m craving it again just by sitting here and writing about it.

Nutella Filled Bread Rolls
225 grams all purpose flour
10 grams fresh yeast
10 grams caster sugar
125 ml (approximately) water ( I don't use warm water as the weather in Mumbai is fairly hot and humid)
pinch of salt
10 grams butter
8 teaspoons of Nutella or any other chocolate filling of your choice
1/2 egg and 2 tablespoons milk (for egg wash)

Disperse yeast and sugar in water and leave it aside for some time. Sieve the flour and make a well in the center. Pour in the yeast liquid and mix in the flour. Add water, as needed, to make a smooth and soft dough. Cream the butter and salt (with your hands) and knead it into dough to make the dough smooth and pliable.
Keep the dough under a wet muslin cloth till almost double in size. Knock down the dough and divide into 8 equal portions.
Now comes the fun part. Roll out each portion in a rectangular shape and make cuts on one side of the rectangle.

Spread the nutella on the uncut side, leaving a little border alongside.

Roll it from the nutella side towards the cuts.

Now pull the cuts over the roll to cover it.

Place the rolls on a lightly greased baking tray and cover loosely with a wet muslin cloth and keep aside for 10 minutes. Brush with the egg wash. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
When the rolls are golden brown in colour, remove and brush with melted butter.

And now , Awards

I would like to acknowledge some awards given by my fellow bloggers. I would like to thank,
Angeline of Angeline's Side of the Story for passing me the Versatile Blogger Award,
Alice of I love I Cook I Bake  for the Versatile Blogger Award, The Readers' Appreciation Award and The ABC Award,
Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids for the Addictive Blog Award, 7 x 7 Link Award, The One Lovely Blog Award, The Versatile Blog Award, The Sunshine Award and The Kreative Blogger Award,
Amelia of Amelia's Dessert for the Sunshine Blogger Award, The Reader Appreciation Award and the Versatile Blogger Award,
Achu of Tangy Minds for the Liebster Blog Award,
Rashida of Inherited Recipes for the Liebster Blog Award.








Thank you very much Angeline, Alice, Zoe, Achu, Rashida and Amelia for the recognition and for passing on these awards to me. I m extremely  glad to know you all through blogging. I would like to request everybody to hop over to these amazing blogs.

I would like to pass on all these awards to the following fellow bloggers,
Prathiba Sreejith@Cook-Ezee
Vijayalakshmi Dharamaraj@Virunthu Unna Vaanga
Reshmi Mahesh@Easy Cook
Suja Manoj@Kitchen Corner

As per the rules of some of the awards, I need to share some things about me with you. I think I'll do the A-Z, i.e., 26 things about me ( as required for the ABC Award). That ought to cover all the other requirements by the various awards.

A - as in my name Anuja. In India we have a custom of changing the bride's name at the time of marriage. My in-laws had playfully suggested to do so, as after marriage my full name changed to Anuja Sagar Sule, that means my initials are, (this is absolutely crazy) ASS. But I put my foot down and refused for the name change, even if it made an ASS out of me :D.

B - of course for Baking. I m absolutely passionate about it.

C - as in Chick-lit. My kindle's full of all the Sophie Kinsellas, Barbara Delinskys etc.

D - is for Driving. Loves to go for long drives.

E - is for Economics. I was surprisingly good at it while in college. Don't know what happened after that.

F - as in Friends, the T.V show. Absolutely hooked to it in the 90s.

G - stands for Goa. We went for our honeymoon there.

H - is for Hindi movies. Love the song and dance, full of drama and action movies.

I -  as in Indiana Jones. My hubby is crazy abt it and made me watch all the sequels in one go.

J - as in Julia Child. Would love to walk around wearing pearls and apron and trying to talk like her.

K - is for Kathak (dance). Started learning when I was in 4th and earned a Visharad from the Lucknow Gharana when I was in 9th. Stopped performing after that. Lost the interest.

L - is for Local Trains. Have to commute for 1 hour, both ways, for my baking course in a South Bombay college.

M - as in Moody, which , m sorry to say, I absolutely m.

N - as in Notebook, the movie. Cried by tons watching it.

O - is for Overweight, which sadly I m.

P - is for Paris, would love to visit the bakeries and cafes over there.

Q - as in Queue, hate waiting and standing in one.

R - as in Rest-less, which I become if I don't get through my net connection.

S - as in Singapore, which we are planning to visit this November.

T - is for Tooth-ache,which currently m suffering from.

U - is for Utter-Chaos, which is the condition of my household, most of the time, .

V - as in this Chocolate Volcano, loved this delish recipe from Nigella.

W - is for Waxing, hate doing it every month.

X - hmmm thinking about going for an X-treme makeover (ha...gotcha! M happy the way I m...well losing a few 25 or so kilos doesn't seem like a bad idea though).

Y - is for my Yellow bag. Love the colour and adore the bag.

Z - stands for Zodiac signs, don't believe in them.

So guys that about it.

Don't forget, in September 2012 I m co-hosting Cook Like a Star with Zoe and Baby Sumo, and the theme for the month is MasterChef. Make your star or MasterChef recipe from any MasterChef website or cookbook and blog hop with us for the whole month of September 2012.



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