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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Melting Moments....these are not!!!

3:38 AM
First of all I need to apologies to you guys for being MIA for so long. I was not well... actually my whole family was hit by the "evil viruses" and it is really hard to keep up the "bakelogging" with sick kids, hubby and in-laws. I didnt even have the energy to turn on my laptop and check my mails. Even now I just want to crawl back to my bed and sleep, and I mean really a good zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and please please can I pretend (just for a day) that I m single with no kids or will that make me a bad mommy and an evil wife??? Arghhh I dont even want to think, because "thinking" means putting strain on my already cold-hit-with-severe-headache-mind.

Today I will share with you guys something which I had made last month when Zoe asked me to co-host the Cook Like a Star-Masterchef event with her. It was the first thing which I  wanted to make after we decided on the Masterchef theme. The memory of Gary going all ummmmmmmm after taking a bite from Julia's Melting Moments is strongly itched on my mind and I desperately wanted to taste the famous cookie and to see what could make Gary go all ummmmmmmmmmm.

Sadly for me there werent any ummmmmmmm moments as the recipe didnt deliver what it promised. I found that there was a floury aftertaste to these cookies and hello where's that super melt-in-your-mouth texture?? No Siree. These were a major disappointment and to think I was so looking forward to it. One of my class mates from my baking course also made them and she was also not happy with the results. Guess somethings are never meant to be.

I m not sharing the recipe here but you can get the recipe from Amrita or Zoe's blog as both of them have made the cookies earlier and linked them to the Cook Like a Star blog hop. I sandwiched the cookies with a simple chocolate ganache.

I m linking this post to the blog-hop event Cook Like a Star, organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out and me, Anuja of Simple Baking. You can also join us in this event by simply cooking or baking any recipe (from the contestants, judges or even sponsors)  from any MasterChef website (any countries) or cookbook and blog-hop with us for the whole month of September 2012. For more details, check here.
Here are my other blogger friends who have joined us in this blog-hop. Please visit their blogs to watch more of their 5 star recipes. 

To blog hop with us simply copy and paste this HTML code into your blog post where you want the blog hop list to appear. Make sure you are in HTML mode when you paste the code. get the InLinkz code The rules are fairly simple, 1) Your post must be a current post. 2) Please mention Cook Like a Star in your post and 3) Link back to Zoe, Baby Sumo or Anuja.
get the InLinkz code


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