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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Banana, Walnut and Coconut Coffee Cake

11:35 PM
This moist and tender cake with rich taste of banana is accented by the lively tang of sour cream.

I made this cake for our The Home Bakers' (THB) group. THB is a bloghop organised by the wonderful Joyce of The Kitchen Flavours. For this event we are baking all the recipes from one book, Coffee Cakes by Lou Seibert Pappas, until all the recipes has been baked. Our 11th bake for The Home Bakers' Club , The Banana,Macademia nut and Coconut Coffee Cake, was chosen by Kit of I-Lost in Austen. Kit has a beautiful blog with lovely pictures of her beloved flowers and delightful recipes. As per the rules of The Home Bakers' Club, only the host of the chosen bake can post the recipe on her/his blog. Please hop on to Kit's blog here for the full recipe.

                       Can you see the white yummy coconut flakes poking out from the cake?? yum yum 

I chose to bake this cake with walnuts instead of Macademia because.......well that's what I had in my pantry :), and Macademia are very expensive and hard to get hold of in India. This coffee cake is actually a quick bread wherein we mix the dry and wet ingredients separately and then finally fold in the two together. Only difference being, this one is baked in a round cake tin instead of a loaf pan or muffin tin.

The cake is very moist and flavourful with all the bananas, rum, cinnamon and walnuts. The coconuts added an extra texture and depth to the cake, taking what would be a simple banana-bread, to a whole new level.

Please visit The Home Bakers' Club's site to see the awesome bakes by my other baking buddies and don't forget to get your recipe from Kit's blog.
                                                    Welcome to The Home Bakers


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