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Friday, June 14, 2013

Lemon Lime Mousse

12:18 AM

Hi all my bloggoworld friends! I know I have been MIA for far too long but.....what can I say...I just didn't feel like writing! I hope you all understand what m trying to say here. It doesn't mean I stopped baking, oh no siree, I baked, and believe me, a lot. It's just that I stopped writing about it. Every time I thought of uploading a post, I couldn't summon energy or shall I say couldn't force myself to sit down and right. But I think m over it now...that means m back to blogging :). I missed you all and really looking forward to reconnect with you guys.

Let me start with this wonderfully light and tangy mousse which I had made for one of my friend's wedding anniversary. The mousse is tangy, just a touch sweet, and it is so light, it melts on your tongue. The fresh strawberries lend a perfect balance of flavor and texture to the dessert. I put the mousse in transparent jars because the lemon-yellow mousse and lipstick-red strawberries are so pretty together I wanted to be able so see them.

Lemon-Lime Mousse:
6 large eggs
225 grams (1 cup) caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup juice and all the zest from the lemons and/or limes
180 ml (3/4 cup)  heavy whipping cream
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

For topping:
120 ml (1/2 cup) heavy whipping cream ( I used Rich's cream which is non-dairy and already sweetened)
250 grams fresh strawberries, thinly sliced
2-3 oranges, thinly sliced

In a non-reactive saucepan whisk together 3 eggs, 3 yolks (reserve the 3 egg whites), 3/4 cup sugar, salt, juice, and zest. Cook over medium heat while stirring constantly, until it thickens, about 10 minutes.The lemon curd is done when it is as thick as pudding and coats the back of a spoon or spatula.Press through a fine mesh strainer. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the lemon curd is cool. Can be made a day or two ahead.
Whip the egg whites and remaining sugar until they reach stiff peaks. Add 1/3 of the whites to the chilled lemon curd and mix to lighted the texture of the curd. Gently fold the remaining whites in.
Whip the heavy cream (180 ml) with the vanilla extract, until stiff peaks.
Fold the whipped cream gently into the lemon mousse. Fold just until the cream is smoothly incorporated.
Place the mousse into a piping bag and fill the jars evenly. Whip the heavy cream (120 ml) and pipe a rosette of whipped cream on top of the mousse.
Decorate with strawberries and oranges.
Chill before serving.


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