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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Olaf Cake

10:48 AM

Because some people are worth melting for......

                                               By Olaf in Frozen

This post is dedicated to my adorable daughter who turned 10 yesterday! Sweetheart you are the apple of my eye. You always amaze me with your understanding, kindness and depth of caring for others. You are always there to offer me a hand when I m tired or feeling low. I love the way you pamper me with your sweet gestures, no matter his small they are! Sometimes I have to remind myself that you are only a kid even if you act like an adult by putting other's need before yours. But at the same time, You are always a fun and full of masti 'tai' for little Ira who loves to play 'ghar-ghar' with her and who let's Ira play with all her precious 'Barbie Collection'. Who go crazy at slides and while swimming. No wonder Ira always wants to be with her 'tai'! M really blessed to have a gem like you to call my daughter. Love you princess and that's why this cake is so apt for you coz, some people are worth melting for....



So, do you wanna build a snow man? :)...beautiful song, and one of my favourites from the movie..the song is extremely catchy, and in our household, we play Frozen atleast once a now I can recite the songs and dialogues fluently...even
Coming back to the cake, Here's a low down on how I constructed my cake. But first I apologize for the really bad pics, but I was working in the night, and this is the best I could do. Let's start with the internal structure, I used  8mm metal studs, which are  easily available in  any hardware stores and they will get it cut for you in your desired height. I screwed them to a 10" ply board. As I didn't want a big cake leftover, I used 10" cake dummies for the bottom.


Covered the dummies with fondant. Then placed the second tier, which is an 8" round Devil's Food Cake. I drilled holes for the studs to pass through on an 8" cardboard board and then ganached my cake on it. But before placing the second tier, don't forget to cling wrap the bottom as we don't want our fondant to stain. Also, cling wrap the studs as we don't want our cake to come in contact with metal.


Now cover the cake with fondant and again clin wrap the whole thing before starting work on Olaf's head.


For tha head, I used Rice Krispies Treat and a 7" cardboard board. Here's a click showing how I supported the head. Oh and I also used Royal icing to evenly cover the RKT after it was set.


Cover with fondant. Add eyes and carrot and details and your olaf is ready.



Hope you will find this tutorial helpful!

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